Today, we head to the Caribbean for a well-earned break. Well for me anyway, I’m going to try to keep today’s post short.
The nation of Grenada consists of three main islands, Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.
Grenada is often known as the spice islands. It’s not difficult to work out why. Grenada has very rich soil, and are the world’s second-largest producer of nutmeg, as well as producing large quantities of cloves, cinnamon and mace.
Unlike its neighbouring island of Barbados, Grenada is frequently in the path of hurricanes. Grenada was hit by Hurricane Ivan in 2004. It wreaked havoc and destroyed roughly 90% of Grenada’s homes and resulted in 39 deaths.
Grenada was invaded by the United States in 1983 after the communist New Jewel movement seized power in a coup in 1979.
Other than remaining in the US sphere of influence this invasion has one very visible legacy. Pearls Airport was once Grenada’s main airport, but expansion was constrained by surrounding hills and its proximity to the capital St George’s.
Pearls airport, Grenada
Now Pearls airport is abandoned and littered with decaying Soviet aircraft. It’s now the perfect weird tourism destination.
Talking of weird tourism destinations, other notable sights on Grenada include an Underwater sculpture park and Kick ‘em Jenny an active, only just under sea volcano which last erupted in 2015.
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